Thursday, March 24, 2011

ABC's of Me

{a} age: 28....yikes! Getting a lil too close to 30 for comfort =)
{b} bed size: A cozy full size...kinda would like a queen size though.
{c} chore you hate: Folding laundry and putting it away. 
{d} dogs: Bella....the yellow lab who is now queen of our house =)

{e} essential start to your day: Cinnamon Dolce Latte originally from Starbucks but I have learned how to make them at home and save almost $4!
{f} favorite color: I'm gonna say orange.
{g} gold or silver: Silver or white gold. Yellow gold just does not look good with my skin tone.
{h} height: 5'4  
{i} instruments you play: I don't play any...tried the clarinet in elementary but that only lasted about 2 weeks. I hated to practice. 
{j} job title: Sales Rep at Litehouse Pools and Spas.

{k} kids: None right now and none in the near future either. Maybe someday down the road. I have plenty of time now that my clock is no linger ticking.
{l} live: In my house with my husband and dog across the yard from my grandparents. LOVE it =)
{m} mom's name: I can't remember.....
{n} nicknames: Em, Emmy, Honey, Babe...
{o} overnight hospital stays: Yikes too many to list.... 
{p} pet peeves: Oh boy....Fake people, Backstabbers, People who lie, the phrase " I know, right??"
{q} quote from a movie: -"In a good shoe I wear a size six, but a seven feels so good I wear a size eight!"-Truvy from Steel Magnolias

-"Marriage isn't fireproof. Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it."-Caleb Holt and Michael Simmons from the movie Fireproof
{r} Right or left-handed: Right!
{s} siblings: A younger sister (Jess 24) and a younger brother (Sam,22)
{t} time you wake up: 8AM on most weekdays and 11AM on days off...don't judge me cause you're jealous HA! 
{u} underwear: I love Victoria's Secret because they are the best quality and so comfortable.
{v} vegetables you dislike: Broccoli and cauliflower.....YUCK! 
{w} what makes you run late: Straightening my hair!
{x} x-rays you've had: Too many!
{y} yummy food you make: Enchiladas are my specialty, I also love to bake cupcakes and brownies etc....

 {z} zoo - favorite animal: Manatees and Beluga's more of an aquarium animal. I would rather go there anyways. Especially the Georgia Aquarium. That place is AMAZING!
Okay all done....your turn =)

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