Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fill in the blanks

I love... My granparents (my Dad's Mom and Dad) so much that it literally hurts sometimes! I start to think of my life without them and I go into an all out PANIC mode =( I cherish every.single.day that I have with them and hope they can feel my love because it is so hard to put into words.

Right now I want... A swimming pool,a vacation with my husband on an island in the middle of nowhere,an ice cold Coke....random I know =)

I feel like... I REALLY need to hit the gym/track hardcore! This extra layer I put on over the winter needs to come off! I have a wedding to be in this summer....yea Jenn...can't wait girl!

I hate it when... people pretend to like me to my face and then talk about me behind my back. I would rather you not talk to me at all if you have a problem with me! Also hate when people make comments on Facebook to others that they KNOW you will see and get hurt from..make sense?

I fear... the day something happens to my Grandparents, my Stepfather(shhh don't tell him that, he would love that) being alone.

I'm lonely without... my husband and my pup and my daily phone conversations with Grandma.

I need... to let go of the past, unconditional love....

Today I... am working until 8 and then going home to watch The Real Housewives of Miami =)

I just... remembered I need to pay our Car/Truck insurance! March sure came fast!

Tomorrow I'm... going to lunch with a wonderful woman from our church, making Oreo Cupcakes and taking them to our small group meeting at church in the evening.

I want to meet... Sarah Palin, George and Laura Bush, Joyce Meyer and......The Kardashians! HA!

I'm hungry for... not hungry but thirsty for that Coke!

I love it when... Ande makes me laugh until I cry, like last night when we were watching The King of Queens =)

I'm listening to... The playlist on our Ipod

I'm wearing... Pajama pants and a tee shirt....glamorous huh??

I want to get... a new camera and a bigger TV

I cant... carry a tune to save my life!

I'm nervous to... think about starting the adoption process someday. Sounds so scary and EXPENSIVE! I hate that any idiot out there can carry a child but people who want to adopt and give a child a good home are made to go through sooo many hoops and spend so much $$$ =(

I feel happiest when... I am surrounded by my family at holidays or family get togethers at my grandparents house

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