Monday, February 28, 2011

A little of this and a little of that.....

I haven't posted for a few days so this one will be all over the place. This past Saturday I worked all day and after work got the chance to have an early dinner with my amazing cousins, Gina and Renee. Our family is a lot smaller than most and I only have 2 cousins! Compared to Ande who has too many for me to count right's so funny how different families can be. We had a wonderful Mexican dinner with wonderful conversation. I feel like I am at a place in my life right now where I need all the support that I can get from my "real" family. Those of you who know me well know what I have had to go through with my mother and step-father my whole life. While I have tried to move on and forgive and forget what they have done to's still really hard. Without going into detail, there is just a lot of "junk" going on right now and I would appreciate your prayers. So it was awesome to have the support and encouragement of Gina and Renee. They are amazing mothers, wives, daughters etc.... Most important they are such STRONG women of faith! I feel like they will be my back bone when I really need it. I love you guys xoxoxo!
The rest of the weekend was pretty laid back. Lots of hanging out on the couch curled up under the blankets. We went to church Sunday and had a very interesting speaker. After that we grabbed Quiznos for lunch and headed home for the rest of the night. Exciting I know! We both went to bed kinda early last night and we were woken up by that nasty storm that came through! The thunder was SOOO loud I thought it would rupture my ear drum! It felt so close. The lightning lit the sky up like it was daylight. I am most shocked that Bella was able to sleep through all of it. I am glad though that she didn't wake up and have to go to the bathroom! I think I would have had to pretend to be asleep on that one so Ande would take her put HA! Well then this morning we woke up to massive flooding everywhere! Grandma and Grandpa had water in the basement and in the pit in the garage(where Grandpa used to work on cars back in the day) Thank God for pumps that caught most of it early enough that we could get most of it out. We had to use a carpet cleaner to suck up the rest of the water that could not be sucked out with the pump. What a mess! It could have been much, much worse though. I know there are some out there who had to evacuate their homes! The roads were a mess today too. I was shocked to see all the pictures and videos today. We were so wrapped up in our own mess we really had no idea how bad it really was everywhere else. Here are a couple pictures of behind our house. Our yard was not that bad but these are pictures of the neighbors property.

After we got all the water under control we decided that our beautiful pup was starting to stink from being out in the rain and mud the last couple days. So we decided that today would be a great day for a bath =) Thank God Ande was home for 1 more day. She is just getting so big these days that it is just easier with 2 people. I LOVE her pet shampoo. It smells so good and makes her fur soooo soft! We use the Bed Head brand pet shampoo...Pet Head. It is a little pricey but it is totally worth it. 1 bottle usually last 3 or 4 baths so I don't think that's too bad. They have a few different scents and so far i have liked them all. I sound like a commercial or an ad for the stuff huh?? I wish they would throw some free product my way =)

After her bath I always dry her with the blow dryer. I HATE a wet dog! After she was all dry we realized that the fur by her rear end is kinda curly! I had never noticed that before...I thought is was cute =) Here is our little chic all nice and clean.

                                                                Curly Sue!

Last but not least....Did anybody watch the Academy Awards last night? I only watch the Red Carpet arrivals just to see what everyone is wearing. I love seeing everyone all dressed up! Some look amazing, others not so much! Here were a few of my favorites of the night.

Hope you all have a great week!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Worn out!

I had to work from 12-8 today and this is what I came home to =)

I thought is was sooo sweet! Ande said they played and played and played in the snow all day....Bella LOVES the snow! I am bummed I didn't get to play but glad they had fun. Well I am keeping this one short and sweet....The Real Housewives of Miami starts tonight =) Just can't get enough of those Housewives! Goodnight everyone.....

Monday, February 21, 2011

Just plain Monday....

I don't have anything to exciting to post today. It's Monday and Ande is on vacation the whole week. Today was also my day off. Our morning got off to a rocky start since we are not used to being home in the mornings together during the week. I like to sleep in on my day off, at least until 10 or 11. Don't judge me, I don't have kids to get up with and I work my butt off while I am at work. I am sooo not a morning person! I love to get up and kiss Ande goodbye...he usually leaves the house by 6am, let the dog out and feed her, then we both usually crash on the couch until around 10 or 11 like I said earlier. This is my day off routine and I like it. So you can imagine how I felt at 8am when Ande came back to the bedroom dressed for the day asking me how much longer I was gonna stay in bed and if I was done sleeping in yet!!! Uhhhh.....He almost got a pillow in the face! No joke! Lets do the math here....on a normal work day he has to be up by around he got up at 7:45. That equals 2 hours and 45 minutes that he got to sleep in. Soooo on a normal work day I get up around 8am. So technically I should not have been expected to get up until 10:45...right??? Well I got up since he made me feel like a lazy slob =) I walked to the bathroom mumbling something under my breath about this week being a loooong one HA! We needed to go get groceries...told you it was an exciting day. It started snowing like crazy and I was glad that I didn't have to drive or lug all those groceries around and into the house myself. We ended up having a really good, much needed day together. I love my hubby but sometimes I can get a little psycho if somebody messes with my schedule =) We came home to see this little girl napping on the couch and boy was I jealous! At least somebody got her beauty sleep today =)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ande's 31st Birthday!

Yesterday we celebrated Ande's birthday with a small dinner at his Mom and Dad's. He didn't want anything big or fancy just some good ole authentic Mexican food from his momma =) I was fine with that. Anyone who knows me knows I hate to cook(but love to bake...weird I know). I got him a pair of autographed Muhammad Ali boxing gloves. Ande is very into boxing and our whole garage is covered in Ali posters. He also has his heavy bag out there and as soon as it is warm I know he will be out there taking his frustrations out on it! Needless to say he loved the gloves. Our nephew David had spent the night at his grandparents house so he was there too. He and Ande had a fun time trying out the gloves on each other..nicely though =)

I ran to the party store after work to grab some wrapping paper and as I walked in I saw a basketball display with NBA themed plates/napkins/balloons etc... They even had the Boston Celtics. Soooo knowing how much Ande loves them I had to buy the napkins and some small desert plates and even some Rajon Rondo balloons! I shoved everything in the trunk and told him that when we got to his mom's he had to go directly to the basement to play some ping pong with David. So he did and his mom and I got everything ready to go.


                                                             Make a wish.....
                                                            31 already?????

Today is his actual birthday so we just spent the day relaxing and hanging out with our pup. She is so sweet she wanted to snuggle up on the couch so she dragged out a few blankets and brought them to was so funny. I swear she is part human sometimes! She then plopped down and took a nice loong Sunday nap. She is getting so big we have to recline that side of the couch. She almost looks like she is watching the TV when she lays like this =)
  Well I am off tomorrow and Ande is off the rest of the week for vacation. Who knows what we will get into. I am just looking forward to spending the evenings with him when I get off work. Hope you all have a great week.
P.S Happy Birthday Jenn!!! Love you girl!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday and Valentines Rewind

I am sitting here posting this while Ande is watching WWE Wrestling on TV. This is a Friday night tradition in our household. I don't know why he likes is all obviously fake! For some reason though the man loves his wrestling. I have decided after many years to just pick my battles and let him watch peace....while I go do something else. We meet back on the couch together at 10 pm =) I am glad today is Friday. Even though I work tomorrow. I only have to work from 9-3, so that is not too bad. We are having Ande's birthday dinner at his mom and dad's house tomorrow evening. I can't believe that he will be 31 on Sunday, February 20th!!! It just does not seem possible. He is still that sweet, adorable 18 year old that I met 13 years ago in my eyes. It seems crazy that we have been together that long. Monday was our 13th Valentines Day we have celebrated together. We never really do a whole lot for Valentines Day. We both think that it is silly to have one day out of the year that you celebrate your love. Well this year was different. We have had some hard times recently and I guess we were both feeling like we needed a little pick me up. The funny thing was, I thought I was buying him a gift secretly and he thought he was doing the same thing! Most of you who know me well know that I collect Willow Tree Angels. Well he surprised me with the "je t aime" one! I love it and it is one of my favorites =)
He also got me a beautiful card and my favorite Cry Baby Sour Gum Balls! No chocolate for me...he know me too well and knows I prefer sour candy instead HA! I got him a new PUMA gym bag and some workout clothes since we just got our membership to the local indoor track at the high school. We both got free memberships because of a wellness plan that Ande has at work. The employees get rewarded for good health by having money put into a wellness account. The money can be used for gym memberships or equipment for the home and even shoes and work out clothes. It is a pretty cool thing. Anytime anything is free I am all for it! We have gone a couple times and it is ridiculous how out of shape I am! UHHH it makes me sick! What makes me even sicker is seeing my hot husband who hasn't worked out in about a year run a mile in under 10 minutes with no problem...MEN! It must be nice. Oh well, I am not going to stress out about it but one of my best friends is getting married in August. I want to be looking my best for her big day =) I can't wait!! Well anyways this post just jumped all over the place..and it's 10pm so wrestling is over and it's time for me to get the remote go hang out with the hubs! Have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day Off!

I have the day off today and I am taking advantage of it. Soon it will be spring/summer time and I will be soooo busy at work. I am excited about it actually. I love summer and it is my favorite time at work too. Today is also Ande's first day of vacation. He had to use up 8 days by the end of February or he was going to lose them. I wish I could say we were going on some wonderful vacation but we are not =(
I will enjoy having him at home at night but I just know he will drive himself crazy. He is a workaholic and does not relax well. I am sure he will be out helping his Dad or my Grandma and Grandpa with any projects they need done. While I wish sometimes he would just relax and take some time for himself, I love the fact that he is a hard worker.
This morning I woke up to some noise out in the living room. I went out to see what was going on and this is what I found....playtime at the Estrada 7am! Bella and Ande both get up super early and she always wants to play as soon as she wakes up. She looks kinda mean in these pictures but I promise she is not and Ande was laughing hysterically as she was "attacking" him =)

I can't believe how big she is getting! I was looking back through some old pictures of her when she was just a tiny puppy....soooo cute! I took a few more pictures of her this morning when she was lounging on "her" couch. She is such a good dog and we just love her to pieces!

Well I guess that is about all for today. I am making Fajitas for dinner and I feel the need for a nap coming on. I just love days off! Have a great day/evening everyone =)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Blog...

Well here is my first post on the new blog. I am not very good with the computer and it was turning into such a pain changing the old blog. So....I created a new one. The name is almost exactly the same but I wanted a fresh start. I am seriously considering getting rid of my Facebook account. At least this way I could still be in contact with my "real' friends and family. I am going to leave it open and public but I am not going to broadcast the new address. I will send it to those who have asked in private message. I just ask that you would please sign in as a follower. That way I know is stalking me ha! I will try to be much better at blogging this time around. I have seen websites that turn your blog into a scrapbook. I love that idea since I used to scrapbook like crazy but don't seem to have the time anymore. More than anything this will be my own personal journal and record of my (our) life. So welcome but remember, this is my blog so I can say and post whatever I want!! Well that is all for tonight....I am going to join these two loves on the couch and snuggle up for the night =)