Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday and Valentines Rewind

I am sitting here posting this while Ande is watching WWE Wrestling on TV. This is a Friday night tradition in our household. I don't know why he likes is all obviously fake! For some reason though the man loves his wrestling. I have decided after many years to just pick my battles and let him watch peace....while I go do something else. We meet back on the couch together at 10 pm =) I am glad today is Friday. Even though I work tomorrow. I only have to work from 9-3, so that is not too bad. We are having Ande's birthday dinner at his mom and dad's house tomorrow evening. I can't believe that he will be 31 on Sunday, February 20th!!! It just does not seem possible. He is still that sweet, adorable 18 year old that I met 13 years ago in my eyes. It seems crazy that we have been together that long. Monday was our 13th Valentines Day we have celebrated together. We never really do a whole lot for Valentines Day. We both think that it is silly to have one day out of the year that you celebrate your love. Well this year was different. We have had some hard times recently and I guess we were both feeling like we needed a little pick me up. The funny thing was, I thought I was buying him a gift secretly and he thought he was doing the same thing! Most of you who know me well know that I collect Willow Tree Angels. Well he surprised me with the "je t aime" one! I love it and it is one of my favorites =)
He also got me a beautiful card and my favorite Cry Baby Sour Gum Balls! No chocolate for me...he know me too well and knows I prefer sour candy instead HA! I got him a new PUMA gym bag and some workout clothes since we just got our membership to the local indoor track at the high school. We both got free memberships because of a wellness plan that Ande has at work. The employees get rewarded for good health by having money put into a wellness account. The money can be used for gym memberships or equipment for the home and even shoes and work out clothes. It is a pretty cool thing. Anytime anything is free I am all for it! We have gone a couple times and it is ridiculous how out of shape I am! UHHH it makes me sick! What makes me even sicker is seeing my hot husband who hasn't worked out in about a year run a mile in under 10 minutes with no problem...MEN! It must be nice. Oh well, I am not going to stress out about it but one of my best friends is getting married in August. I want to be looking my best for her big day =) I can't wait!! Well anyways this post just jumped all over the place..and it's 10pm so wrestling is over and it's time for me to get the remote go hang out with the hubs! Have a great weekend!

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