Monday, February 21, 2011

Just plain Monday....

I don't have anything to exciting to post today. It's Monday and Ande is on vacation the whole week. Today was also my day off. Our morning got off to a rocky start since we are not used to being home in the mornings together during the week. I like to sleep in on my day off, at least until 10 or 11. Don't judge me, I don't have kids to get up with and I work my butt off while I am at work. I am sooo not a morning person! I love to get up and kiss Ande goodbye...he usually leaves the house by 6am, let the dog out and feed her, then we both usually crash on the couch until around 10 or 11 like I said earlier. This is my day off routine and I like it. So you can imagine how I felt at 8am when Ande came back to the bedroom dressed for the day asking me how much longer I was gonna stay in bed and if I was done sleeping in yet!!! Uhhhh.....He almost got a pillow in the face! No joke! Lets do the math here....on a normal work day he has to be up by around he got up at 7:45. That equals 2 hours and 45 minutes that he got to sleep in. Soooo on a normal work day I get up around 8am. So technically I should not have been expected to get up until 10:45...right??? Well I got up since he made me feel like a lazy slob =) I walked to the bathroom mumbling something under my breath about this week being a loooong one HA! We needed to go get groceries...told you it was an exciting day. It started snowing like crazy and I was glad that I didn't have to drive or lug all those groceries around and into the house myself. We ended up having a really good, much needed day together. I love my hubby but sometimes I can get a little psycho if somebody messes with my schedule =) We came home to see this little girl napping on the couch and boy was I jealous! At least somebody got her beauty sleep today =)

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